The number of Netflix users in Bangladesh is more than two lakh, according to a responsible source of the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC). Netflix is charging at least $10 a month from them...
Bangladesh has got 97 percent duty-free access to 5,161 more products in the Chinese market.
The Consumer or Buyer Decision-Making Process is the method used by marketers to identify and track the decision-making process of a customer journey from start to finish.
G-mail is one of the most popular services for e-mail systems.
The Latin word socius meant "companion," and led to the Old French word social, from which the word socialist derived.
Walton, an electronics and technology company, has been listed as a "licensed manufacturer" by Dolby, an American company that specializes in sound engineering.
There are many populated countries in the world but we have discussed the most top 10 densely populated countries ...
It's not a daydream, it's true Canadian government already legalized marijuana in Canada. From July 2018 marijuana is publicly available. The first country was Uruguay who legalized marijuana.The Canadian government ...
First of all, intelligence agencies in Bengal usually mean two types of agencies, Investigation and Intelligence, although they are two completely different things.The Detective Branch, the Police Bureau of Investiga...
Let's talk about some lucrative businesses nowadays in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country with a large population. People have a lot of needs in their day to day life, and it could ...
A fire destroyed an Amazon distribution center that helps deliver Amazon shipments in Southern California on Friday morning.
Image: digitalmusicnewsProtests continue across the United States over the killing of George Floyd in police custody.
Smart speaker Amazon Alexa is playing a great role in relieving violence.
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has opened its doors to Alibaba.
To keep thyself fit in winter or summer, Sony has brought air-conditioned T-shirts to the market.