Bangladesh will export hydroxychloroquine to Malaysia

Bangladesh will export hydroxychloroquine tablets for the treatment of new coronavirus patients in Malaysia.

Netflix sign-up has increased in lockdown

This year, the world's most popular online streaming platform Netflix has seen an increase in their subscriber base. People who have been locked down due to the coronavirus situation in the world have joined the onli...

US oil prices are the lowest in history

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, lockdown is occurring in almost all countries of the world.

Bed Making Jobs - Tokyo

Bed Making Jobs - Tokyo★★Hotel Bed Making and cleaning staff wanted★ 14 Minutes from Shinjuku!Very simple and easy work in the morning.

How to Export Products and Expand Your Business

Small business owners are now starting to ask questions about how to export products in this burgeoning global economy.

President of Ukraine said no to hang his photo in any Government office in Ukraine. How about Bangladeshi President?

Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky said in one of his speech " please don't hang any photo of mine in any government office in Ukraine.

BRAC Bank launches the largest student scholarship programme at Dhaka University

BRAC Bank Limited has come forward to provide scholarships to the meritorious students of Dhaka University's Business Studies Faculty as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR).The scholarship is changing t...

The First Animal You See In This Picture Will Determine Your Personality

Your personality has different “statistically-identified factors” included in the Big Five.

Bangladeshi Apparel Makers Paid One of the Lowest Prices in the World

Bangladeshi garment makers received one of the lowest prices in the world last year due to a lack of value-added apparel items, lack of negotiation skills, and an image crisis. Among...

Reasons Behind You Can Share Your Idea

Yes, a legit concern! People steal ideas and ideas are priceless!Really! Not sure! In my life, I did quite the opposite. I always tell as many people as I can, as advanced as possibl...

Bangladeshi young generation should practice more team work and grouping

I think the young generation in Bangladesh likes to feel self centralized and self-sufficient .its a very good sign. But if you observe in a bigger scenario you should have the mind and capacity of building teamwork....

Bangladeshi Labor and the Attraction of the Textile Industry

Authors: Eduardo Gonzalez & Elizabeth Lugo Florida International University,...

Story From Zero To Hero - Pathao Owners - 100 million usd or 820 crore Taka company from zero in 3 years

Written By:Yakub CEO Conveyor Express-GreenCourierEven Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, did not get such success in 3 years.

What is direct wages?

Direct wage is the wage which can be easily and conveniently identified.

List of Islamic Commercial Private Banks in Bangladesh

1. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited:Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Public Limited Company engaged in commercial banking business based on Islamic Shari'ah with 63.09% foreign shareholding having largest branch network ( total 332 Bra...

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