Students promise to continue their protests against Bangladesh`s quota

The contentious government employment quota system in Bangladesh, which last week caused fatal upheaval across the country, is being scaled back by ...

বাংলাদেশে চলমান শিক্ষার্থী আন্দোলনের প্রেক্ষাপটে জাপানের কিয়ুশু বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বাংলাদেশী শিক্ষার্থী ও পরিবারের পক্ষ থেকে বিবতিৃ

আমরা সবাই জানি যে গত কয়েকদিন ধরে বাংলাদেশের শিক্ষার্থীরা কোটা সংস্কার নিয়ে আন্...

Dear ElonMusk Please save innocent students in Bangladesh from mass killing and brutality

Requesting Elonmusk to look into the ongoing issues in Bangladesh, where the authoritarian government has completely disconnected the country from the rest of the world. All cellular networks and the internet have be...

The Demerits of an Illegal Government in a Country

An illegal government, characterized by its lack of legitimacy and non-compliance with the established legal and constitutional frameworks, can have far-reaching and devastating impacts on a country. Such a government often emerges through undemocrat

Elon Musk publicly endorsed Trump for president after the attack

Photo:ReutersTesla billionaire owner Elon Musk has endorsed Donald Trump in the upcoming US election. This is the first time he has publicly endorsed a Republican candidate. Elon Musk expressed his support and described Trump as "strong".Elon Musk an

Elon Musk and the executive of Neuralink welcome their third child. This is the current count of his children.

According to Bloomberg News, Elon Musk and Neuralink Corp. director of special projects, Shivon Zilis, welcomed their third kid earlier this year. Musk is the CEO of Neuralink, the company he founded that makes brain implants. In an interview wi

Who are the 10 most valuable companies in the world?

For a few days, there is a lot of discussions about which is the most expensive company in the world. The chip com...

Elon Musk will receive a salary of 56 billion dollars as CEO

Electric car maker Tesla's shareholders have voted to approve CEO Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package. The approval process was completed yesterday Thursday at the annual meeting of Tesla partners in Austin, Texas, USA. Reuters newsAt the annual meet

Chipmaker Intel is Halting a $25 billion factory in Israel

The $25 billion facility that Intel Corp had planned in Israel is on hold, according to a story published on Monday by the Israeli financial news website Calcalist. The chipmaker did not confirm or refute the report....

EU opens office to carry out AI Act and promote innovation

One of the world's most extensive AI legislation, the European Union's landmark AI Act, is being implemented under the direction of a new office it has opened. In order to guarantee the safe and moral implementation of higher-risk AI applications, th

The deadline for the WHO pandemic treaty agreement is missed.

The World Health Organization's member states have not convened in time to reach a consensus on a worldwide convention to combat pandemics in the future. They intend to talk about future steps during the WHO general session, which begins in Switzerla

Want to be a millionaire? If so, today is the day.

People used to dream of millions of take while sleeping in torn clothes! Today, you will dream of millions of Doll...

Top 10 Bangladeshi Scientists Shaping the Nation's Future

Bangladesh, a nation rich in history and culture, is also leading the way in scientific innovation and research. Notwithstanding obstacles, the country is home to a number of bright ...

Mobile Network Operators in Bangladesh

Over the past twenty years, mobile technology has had a tremendous increase in Bangladesh, a South Asian nation. The demand for mobile services has skyrocketed due to the country's population of over 160 million and its increasing need for connectivi

By fiscal 2030, the parent company of Uniqlo hopes to have 80% non-Japanese managers

The operator of Uniqlo, Fast Retailing, is increasing its recruitment efforts outside of Japan with the goal of having 40% of its executive officers and 80% of management be foreign nationals by the end of the company's fiscal 2030 year.The company i

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