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How Many Businesses Using Facebook Fan Page?

If you think about the school of social media in that case Facebook will come first. Across the globe, the most branded company and organization got at least one Facebook business page for their business. The very reason for using this social platfor...

What is “Tong er dokan” in Bangladesh

“Tong er dokan” is a very familiar word in Bangladesh. It means a tea stall. A tea stall is a small shop where tea is prepared and supplied to the customers. Now-a- days tea is a popular drink all over the world. Bangladesh is a home of tea becau...

Sasha Obama Works the Register at Martha’s Vineyard Seafood Restaurant

When you are the daughter of the president of a country, you may not work at a restaurant to spend the summer vacation. In Bangladesh, working in a restaurant seems like an odd job for high class people’s children as they believe that this type of ...

Top Ten Richest Countries in the World

The economy of every country depends on its income and GDP. Thus, the countries that are the greatest attraction f...

Dog's Barking is a Scary Part You Will Face in Any Street in Japan

                                                                Think you are walking...

Top Ten Richest Athletes in the World

Sport is one platform that unites people and everyone has different interest levels when it comes to sports. Every athlete is talented enough to tra...

Top Ten Advertising Agencies in Bangladesh

Advertising is very significant to sell any product or service of a company. Advertising means promoting about par...

Bangladeshi Girls Storm Into Asia Cup Final Round

History was made by Bangladeshi girls by qualifying for the final round of the 2017 Under-16 Asian Football Confederation Women’s Championship. In the Group C qualifiers, they beat Chinese Taipei 4-2 at Bangabandhu...

Rickshaw Capital of the World

                                                                So you're thinking about t...

Educated Unemployed Youth in Bangladesh

The number of unemployed graduates is enhancing day-by-day in Bangladesh because our education system is not consistent with the job market. World Bank Lead Economist Zahid Hussain said “The absence of quality education and a skilled labor force ar...

Bangladesh is One of the Safest Countries on Earth

According to a poll carried out by Gallup the ...

Top Ten Most Visited Websites in Bangladesh

Nowadays the internet is available all over Bangladesh. The cost of the internet is now cheaper than in the last decade in Bangladesh. For this reason, most of the people of Bangladesh are using the internet on a lar...

Top ten most visited natural tourist place in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country full of color. It is renowned as the darling child of nature. It is blessed with many natural beauties because it has a moderate climate. Bangladesh's natural tourist appeals include beaches, forests, hills, and wildlife of va...

Shakib Al Hasan the Richest Athlete in Bangladesh

Shakib Al Hasan who is a Bangladeshi international cricket player is considered to be the greatest cricketer and sportsman to have ever played for Bangladesh. He is considered the current best all-rounder in the world and one of the greatest of all t...

Mobile Phone Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country where every impossible is possible. Think about the telecommunication industry. Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing countries recognized across the world...

Reasons Behind American Government Should Banned Child Shooting Games

It's very funny to watch how educated stupid people make shooting youtube videos for entertainment and the core audience is Child. Nowadays more than thousands of games exist online about shooting. My question is wha...

Most popular film directors in Bangladesh

According to Walt Disney, “Movies can and do have a tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood”. He is unquestionably right. A ...

Tea Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an important tea producing country. Its tea industry dates back to British rule when the East India ...

Solar Power Companies in Bangladesh

The long term average sunshine data indicates that the period of bright sunshine hours in the coastal regions of Bangladesh varies from 3 to 11 hours daily. The insolation in Bangladesh varies from 3.8 kWh/m2/day to ...

Top Ten Famous Sweets of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a land of sweets. There are many kinds of sweets (in Bangla called ‘misti) in its 64 districts. The sweets outside of its capital city Dhaka are even more famous. It is a part of any celebration be it a wedding, birthday, exam results...

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