Viber has Introduced Group Video Call Facility of 20 People in Bangladesh

Recently, Viber has introduced a group video call facility in Bangladesh. With this feature, 20 people can make group video calls together indefinitely.Following the success of Viber's group audio call feature and th...

Best Three apps came to prevent smartphone addiction

Smartphones are currently an addictive name. Everyone from children to the elderly is now addicted to smartphones. People are wasting their precious time on Facebook, Instagram, Tikt...

IPhone users at risk of hacking

Millions of iPhone and iPad users are at risk of hacking because of a flaw in Apple's operating system.

Facebook adds new shopping feature 'Shops'

Facebook is launching a new feature called 'Shops' so that different businesses can show and sell their products through social media.

Tea Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an important tea producing country. Its tea industry dates back to British rule when the East India ...

Top Ten Advertising Agencies in Bangladesh

Advertising is very significant to sell any product or service of a company. Advertising means promoting about par...

Top 10 Rich People in Bangladesh

Bangladesh h...

The Importance of Financial Discipline in Bangladesh

A healthy financial sector is crucial for economic growth, especially for economies like Bangladesh because economic growth in Bangladesh must come largely export and its enterprises must, therefore, be international...

Top 10 Life Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, there are many life insurance companies. The BusinessHabit team found out by a survey the most top 10 life insurance companies in Bangladesh. Following are the list as mentioned below:1.American Life I...

Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh

The pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is contributing to the country’s economic development. In 2000, there were 210 licensed allopathic drug-manufacturing units in the country, out of which only 173 were inactive production; others were either...

Students promise to continue their protests against Bangladesh`s quota

The contentious government employment quota system in Bangladesh, which last week caused fatal upheaval across the country, is being scaled back by ...

বাংলাদেশে চলমান শিক্ষার্থী আন্দোলনের প্রেক্ষাপটে জাপানের কিয়ুশু বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বাংলাদেশী শিক্ষার্থী ও পরিবারের পক্ষ থেকে বিবতিৃ

আমরা সবাই জানি যে গত কয়েকদিন ধরে বাংলাদেশের শিক্ষার্থীরা কোটা সংস্কার নিয়ে আন্...

Dear ElonMusk Please save innocent students in Bangladesh from mass killing and brutality

Requesting Elonmusk to look into the ongoing issues in Bangladesh, where the authoritarian government has completely disconnected the country from the rest of the world. All cellular networks and the internet have be...

The Demerits of an Illegal Government in a Country

An illegal government, characterized by its lack of legitimacy and non-compliance with the established legal and constitutional frameworks, can have far-reaching and devastating impacts on a country. Such a government often emerges through undemocrat

Elon Musk publicly endorsed Trump for president after the attack

Photo:ReutersTesla billionaire owner Elon Musk has endorsed Donald Trump in the upcoming US election. This is the first time he has publicly endorsed a Republican candidate. Elon Musk expressed his support and described Trump as "strong".Elon Musk an

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