Bangladeshi Labor and the Attraction of the Textile Industry

Authors: Eduardo Gonzalez & Elizabeth Lugo Florida International University,...

Story From Zero To Hero - Pathao Owners - 100 million usd or 820 crore Taka company from zero in 3 years

Written By:Yakub CEO Conveyor Express-GreenCourierEven Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, did not get such success in 3 years.

What is direct wages?

Direct wage is the wage which can be easily and conveniently identified.

List of Islamic Commercial Private Banks in Bangladesh

1. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited:Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Public Limited Company engaged in commercial banking business based on Islamic Shari'ah with 63.09% foreign shareholding having largest branch network ( total 332 Bra...

Elon Musk Has Deleted His Facebook Account

Entrepreneur Guru Elon Musk has deleted his Facebook account as well as the official accounts of Tesla and SpaceX. The SpaceX and Tesla pages had over 2.6 million likes and followers for each of the pa...

Documents Required to Get Bonded Ware House License in Bangladesh

If your firm is a 100% export-oriented industry, you may reduce your cost by getting a Bonded Warehouse License for duty-free import of raw materials from the Customs Authority. You must export 100% of your products....

Documents Required to Open a Business Bank Account in Bangladesh

You should open an account in one of your favorite banks. You have to obtain an application form from the bank and then submit it along with another necessary document as follows:One: An application in the prescribed...

What is Trade Union?

Trade Union: The objectives of the trade Union are really welfare-oriented for both the owner and the labors of the industry. According to the International Labor Organization (...

Solar Power Companies in Bangladesh

The long term average sunshine data indicates that the period of bright sunshine hours in the coastal regions of Bangladesh varies from 3 to 11 hours daily. The insolation in Bangladesh varies from 3.8 kWh/m2/day to ...

Top Ten Richest Countries in the World

The economy of every country depends on its income and GDP. Thus, the countries that are the greatest attraction f...

Top Ten Billionaires in the World

The World’s Billionaires is an annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest people, published by the American business magazine Forbes every March. The total net worth of each indivi...

Top 10 Bangladeshi Brands

A brand is not just a logo, a name, or a website, it is an experience. According to Mr. Steve Forbes, Chairman, and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media,...

Top 10 group of companies in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is a densely populated country in t...

Daraz Celebrates Pohela Boishakh with Bkash

Dhaka, April 4th, one of the largest e-commerce businesses in Bangladesh is celebrating the Bengali New Year with a new campaign offering more relevant & innovative products for their customers all over Bangladesh. Amongst them ...

These are the Best Countries for Business in 2020

Businesses got potential based on place and surroundings. Businesses could vary based on countries and their business-oriented psychological movement. If you think about promoting your business beyond the borders in ...

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