Rich People in Nepal


Rich People in Togo

                                                             Togo, officially the Togolese Repu...

Rich People in Andorra

                                                                 Andorra, officially ...

Top 10 Rich people in China

China, officially the People's Republic of China is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. There are many rich people in China and now the top 10 rich people are as fol...

Top 10 Bank in Bangladesh

                                                                There are many popula...

How To Do Process Costing Easily?

                                                             Now I am indicating some points on...

Highest Salary Provider Companies in India

India is a developing country. There are many local and international companies working. Young generation working over these companies and exploring themselves. Multinational, Bank, telecommunication, Industry, IT th...

Top 10 Multinational Companies in Bangladesh


What is Calendar Variance ?

                                                          The difference between budgeted working da...

What is Capacity variance ?

                                                    This means power variance. The difference between budgeted hour...

What is Diagonal Communication?


What is Efficiency Variance ?

                                                                From evaluating this ...

What is Light Year ?

                                                         A light-year is a unit of distance. A light-year...

Importance of Cost Accounting

                                                     Now this present business si...

Highest Tax Payer People in Bangladesh

                                                          As per T...

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