President of Ukraine said no to hang his photo in any Government office in Ukraine. How about Bangladeshi President?

Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky said in one of his speech " please don't hang any photo of mine in any government office in Ukraine. I am not a statue or icon rather a simple person.  Instead of hanging my photos you can hang your child even your family member photos"

I am just speechless how a person can be polite like that.  Now come to the point actually from Mr. Zelensky what Bangladeshi president can learn? 

As a Bangladeshi, I have seen each and every government office in Bangladesh got several photos are hanging of our government. Its a tradition of Bangladeshi politics and from my point of view, I will appreciate  Ukraine president instead of Bangladeshi president.  President of any countries are a cheap servant of that country and he or she will get the proper respect automatically. Postering, Branding and other these kinds of activities don't make any sense from my opinion. 

I will request the present president of Bangladesh to take care of and implementing some rules for accessive postering from the elected parties. 

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