Elon Musk Has Deleted His Facebook Account

Entrepreneur Guru Elon Musk has deleted his Facebook account as well as the official accounts of Tesla and SpaceX. The SpaceX and Tesla pages had over 2.6 million likes and followers for each of the pages. Elon Musk is one of the highest-profile leaders to join the #deletefacebook movement.

You are not going to find any more of these pages on Facebook mentioned earlier. Elon Musk told one of his speeches that he is going to use Instagram though it's also a product of Facebook. Elon's social media manager was not happy at all with this situation. Facebook needs to be a concern with this situation neither Facebook may suffer in the long run.

The way Facebook becoming more and more professional may be in a certain morning people will stop trusting Facebook. I think Facebook needs to stop thinking more about making a profit rather than sustainability. Nowadays boost up is becoming mad expensive and small business owner are becoming fad up. Its the time maybe Facebook needs to think again.


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