Reasons Behind You Can Share Your Idea

Yes, a legit concern! People steal ideas and ideas are priceless!Really! Not sure! In my life, I did quite the opposite. I always tell as many people as I can, as advanced as possibl...

Jobs vs Entrepreneurship

If you want to be an entrepreneur you should follow your surrounding situation and facilities. Entrepreneurs could be from anywhere in the world. For example, an entrepreneur could be from Bangladesh, United States, ...

UNIT Factory (Ukrainian National IT Factory)

UNIT Factory (Ukrainian National IT Factory) is a new educational institution located in Kyiv, where next-generation IT professionals are trained. Graduates of UNIT Factory receive a demanded profession that will allow them to participate in large-sc...

World-Class IT Pros Trained in Ukraine

When a new generation IT school, 42 opened last year in Silicon Valley, few people in Fremont, California knew that a similar school had already been functioning in the capital of Ukraine under the name of UNIT Factory. Both of these schools implemen...

First Vice President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Founder of K.Fund

Vasyl Khmelnytsky Vasyl KhmelnytskyAn entrepreneur who pushes forward innovations in various sectors of the Ukrainian economy. In 2015, Vasyl Khmelnytsky united his public activities within K.Fund. The fund’s ...

Initiator of UNIT Factory Head of the educational programs at K.Fund

Valeria ZabolotnaValeria ZabolotnaThe initiator of UNIT FactoryHead of the educational programs at K.FundValeria Zabolotna is a professional with extensive experience in consulting, organizational and managerial acti...

These are the Top 10 Books Elon Musk Suggest to Read

ReutersNowadays if you think about the top entrepreneurs in the world so the name of the Elon Musk will be in the top because he loves to make rocket. When people ask to Elon Musk how you come up with such great and ...

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