These are the Top 10 Books Elon Musk Suggest to Read

ReutersNowadays if you think about the top entrepreneurs in the world so the name of the Elon Musk will be in the top because he loves to make rocket. When people ask to Elon Musk how you come up with such great and timely idea and business, the simple answer from his is I love to read books.
"I read books," he reportedly likes to say.
He started his Physics Ph.D. program at Stanford University and then dropped out because it didn’t seem that relevant to him because he wanted to something bigger than this and literally he becomes successful the way he thought. In Elon Musk’s Bookshelf, there are 10 books that shaped his character and make him wildly successful today and he thought every entrepreneur should read these books at once.
Following are some of the books that influenced SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and turns him the recognized CEO.
1. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
AmazonWhen Elon Musk was in South Africa he said he was struggling with the loneliness that time and he overcome this situation by reading fiction and fantasy novels. The book  "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien —  helped him to shape his vision for the future self. He was influenced about the future to read this book and he felt a responsibility to save the future.
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2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
AmazonMusk said in an interview that he suffered a major existential crisis between the ages of 12 and 15. He was in the tried to find a meaning about life and the universe. He red couples of books to have the answer Then he came upon “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” a comic interstellar romp by Douglas Adams. In the book a supercomputer finds that “answer” to a meaningful life is the number 42 — but the question was never figured out. The book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy helped him to find the answers when he was in question.
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3. 'Benjamin Franklin: An American Life' by Walter Isaacson
AmazonMusk was inspired by Benjamin Franklin. He told some of his interviews that Franklin started his Journey almost with nothing and who was a runaway kid which inspired him to do more. Musk treated him as his hero.
Benjamin Franklin and Musk got some similar story that is growing up in Pretoria, South Africa, then he started his school in Canada after that he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, then using an invitation to Stanford University's Ph.D. program to land in Silicon Valley.
Musk also started from zero and now the world is seeing the power of entrepreneurship.
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4.'Einstein: His Life and Universe' by Walter Isaacson
AmazonThe Biography by Walter Isaacson: "Einstein." was a great lesson for Musk he learned how imagination can be a source of power.
This book tells how a genius transforms the world with his intelligence, thinking, imagination and ambition.
The book described how a struggling father in a difficult marriage who couldn't get a teaching job or a doctorate — became the mind reader of the creator of the cosmos through his imaginative power.
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5. Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down, by J.E. Gordon
AmazonMusk was always in a mode of learning something new and when he was thinking about rocket science and he decided to start SpaceX he came up with the book of "Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down," This book helped him to know more about structural engineering and more information about this industry.
Musk Said in an interview "It is really, really good if you want a primer on structural design,"
This book helped him to get started when he was launching Space X. Musk learned the basic about rocket science from this book.
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6.'Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants' by John D. Clark
Another book Musk found to learn more about rocket science is "Ignition!". This book described early rocket science.
Musk told this book was fun to read and knowledgeable for him. Clark was an American Chemist he researched on the development of rocket fuels back in the 1960s and 1970s. This book focused on how the science works in a particular and structure form.
Clark was a person who devoted himself to the research and development of rocket science. Clark described technical details, experiments results, why's and how's. This book got a lot of information and knowledge about the rocket and rocket science.
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7.'Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies' by Nick Bostrom
AmazonMany successful business took place on Musk’s basket SpaceX, SolarCity, and Tesla and after these all success and gain he was conscious about advanced technology. He was curious how advanced technology can change and effect in future.
Musk says it's "worth reading" Nick Bostrom's "Superintelligence," a book that makes the daring inquiry into what would happen if computational intelligence surpassed human intelligence. He has a deep interest in artificial intelligence.
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8. 'Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future' by Peter Thiel
AmazonMusk was inspired to read 'Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future' by Peter Thiel. Thiel was a successful businessman and a billionaire investor. Thiel described in this book about startup philosophy which helps him for the further. One can gain knowledge and ideas  How to Build the Future by reading this book.
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9. Howard Hughes: His Life and Madness, by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele
AmazonThis book is A biography of the eccentric filmmaker and aviation tycoon who famously got a little nutty at the end of his life. Howard Hughes worked in multiple industries and he proved that its possible to worked in a different sector. This concept of multi-industry and sector-based word and proven success inspired him.
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10. Merchants of Doubt, by Naomi Orestes and Erik M. Conway
Amazon"Merchants of Doubt" is written based on political and industry connections, Public health issue written by Naomi Orestes and Erik M. Conway. This book was about the cause and effect within the environment, industry, public health, and future industrialization. he also summarized the book as “Same who tried to deny smoking deaths r denying climate change.”
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These are the books helped to repair the subconscious mind of Elon Musk. In every step of his life, these books helped him to come up with the right decision.

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