Embracing the Power of Rapid Learning

In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving world, the ability to learn quickly and efficiently has become a crucial skill for success. Whether you're an executive, a manager, or an individual seeking to stay ahead of the c...

বাংলাদেশের আরএমজি কারখানার মালিকরা ন্যূনতম মজুরি ১০,৪০০ টাকা প্রস্তাব করেছেন

শ্রমিক সংগঠনগুলোর ন্যূনতম মজুরি ২০ হাজার ৩৯৩ টাকার বিপরীতে তৈরি পোশাক কারখানার মালিকরা রোববা

20 Reasons to Consider Cautiously Before Investing in Japan

While there are many investment opportunities in Japan, it's vital to weigh the risks and potential downsides. Here are 20 factors that may make some investors hesitant to make an investment in Japan and from my 7 years of experience living in Japan

Muhammad Yunus: A Compelling Contender for the 2023 Bangladesh Presidential Election

Bangladesh is in need of a president who can manage complicated issues while promoting a sustainable economy and social advancement as the country gears up for its presidential election in 2023. In this situation, Muhammad Yunus' candidacy stands out

House Rent Business Targeting Foreigners in Japan: Scam, Racism, or Something Else?

Japan is known as the most honest, sincere, hardworking, and respectful country—at least I believe that. That's why I decided to come to Japan to ...

How to love someone purely?

Loving someone purely is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. It is a selfless act that is driven by the desire to make the other person happy and to see them thrive. Pure love is not possessive or selfish; it is all-encompassing and uncond

How to Get English Based Jobs in Japan?

If you're looking to work in Japan and English is your primary language, you might be wondering what kind of job opportunities are available to you. While it's true that Japanese is the primary language spoken in Jap...

Micro Health Entrepreneurship Model to achieve SDG3: Health and Well-being - Forhad Hossain

To ensure su...

Top 10 Reasons Nationalist Countries are Often Not the Right Place to Grow Your Potentials

You may be roaming around the world or having a long time in your country or out. Maybe, planning to fulfill your dream of going out the border. Good initiative I think but it doesn't mean you will succeed for sure and there is a possibility but not

What is a black fungus infection and why? How is it treated and what can be done to prevent infection?

There are reports that the number of patients infected with black fungus is increasing with the coronavirus infection. This is happening more and more in India and doctors there are reporting that this black fungus i...

The head of Tesla called the Amazon chief a 'copycat'

Amazon is buying Jukes, an auto-driving technology company, for 120 crore US dollars.

90% referees of La Liga support Real Madrid

Image: sportskeedaThe argument goes on among the fans.

Child Slave Camel Jockeys in UAE

Camel racing is the national sport here in the United Arab Emirates. Camel racing is one of the favorite pastimes here in UAE. This is the popular sport here for the wealthiest sheikh, but in this camel racing, child...

Because of CoronaVirus Bangladeshi Landlord started Waiver home rent for tenant - Good Initiative

Coronavirus spreading in an epidemic way and for Dhaka o my god. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Can you imagine how dangerous it would be? for Bangladeshi...

The Best Indian Halal Restaurant in Japan at Sendai

Whenever you are reading this articles I know ...

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