EU opens office to carry out AI Act and promote innovation

One of the world's most extensive AI legislation, the European Union's landmark AI Act, is being implemented under the direction of a new office it has opened. In order to guarantee the safe and moral implementation of higher-risk AI applications, th

Polkadot Unveils AI Chatbot PolkaBot to Counter ChatGPT

To educate users and the wider public about the DOT ecosystem, Polkadot has introduced Polkadot, a free AI chatbot. PolkaBot is a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool introduced by ...

Google released a new app and subscription service and renamed Bard AI as Gemini

The Gemini logo of Google by GoogleGoogle's AI chatbot and assistant, Bard, underwent a significant makeover on Thursday, complete with a new app and subscription choices. Now known as Gemini, the chatbot's AI model ...

Elon Musk created his own artificial intelligence company

Various AI projects are not new to Musk. He was also the co-founder of OpenAI, the company that owns ChatGPT. However, Musk left the company about a decade ago. American billionaire Elon Musk, who has been openly cri...

What is ChatGPT, Why is it a Wonderful Innovation

ChatGPT is a powerful machine learning model (machine learning through artificial intelligence technology). It was developed by an organization called Open AI. Given natural language (input), ChatGPT can understand and respond to that speech. This ar

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