Hello Bangladeshi Fashion House, Can We Start Fresh?

The fashion industry is growing here in Bangladesh. Plenty of the fashion industry is emerging in our market which is appreciating. But sometimes I become frustrated about their advertising way and how these fashion houses do their advertising using print and electronic media. I want to share some of my experiences. A few days back I was crossing Radisson Hotel and opposite the hotel, I saw a billboard which was adult addicted and I don’t want to mansion the name of the fashion house.

There are many more fashion industries here in Bangladesh that are using such abusive billboards for their marketing promotion which is not appreciating. If you got good clothing so the fashion House will automatically be picked up. Fashion House in Bangladesh should not go in that way there are many more ways. After all, Bangladesh is a Muslim country, all the religious people are here, so how do you think (Fashion House Owner) will do promote your products such way.

Our colonial country had some impact on this type of approach. Mostly I would like to mention India and most of the young generation, not most of the sum of our young generation vividly remembered by that culture which is really sad for us. I would like to say to them “be a person with backbone” However I am going to talk about other topics. Last, of all, I want to say for those fashion house “be an advertiser with courtesy except this Bangladeshi people know how to stop purchasing”

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