Want to be a millionaire? If so, today is the day.

People used to dream of millions of take while sleeping in torn clothes! Today, you will dream of millions of Dollars! Needless to say, dreams can come true one day. Maybe, that day might be today.

Why do people want to be millionaires? It is an urge inside the mind. People think, why not want to be a millionaire? Who doesn't want to be that? It is good if possible. A little can be spent in comfort-in-luxury-indulgence.

There is hardly a person in the world who does not want to be rich or dreams of becoming rich. Be it by earning money through hard work, or by not earning money directly, by luck, or by owning a huge property -- either way, they dream of becoming millionaires.

No, this dream is not wrong. However, there is one thing to note. There was a time when people wanted to be millionaires. But with time it has changed. Now the nobility of millions of rupees no more! Today's living is not happening in lakhs; crore is the goal. People's dreams are also blocked by going to the millionaire's house.

Today why all of this is being talked about suddenly? Today is the day for those who dream of becoming rich. Today is the day to 'think yourself a millionaire'. According to Days of the Year, today, May 20, is National Be a Millionaire Day, i.e., the day to think of yourself as a millionaire. The day, however, is especially celebrated in the United States.

People used to dream of millions of take while sleeping in torn clothes! Today, you will dream of millions of rupees! Needless to say, dreams can come true one day. Maybe, that day might be today. According to Days of the Year, in 1719 John Law became successful and wealthy after founding the Mississippi Company. He was the first person to be known as a millionaire.

According to the report named 'World Wealth Report 2015', a person with at least one million dollars or more is called a millionaire. In 2014, the number of such millionaires was 1 crore 46 lakh 50 thousand. The Asia-Pacific region now has the largest population of millionaires, surpassing North America in terms of population. The number of millionaires in this region is now 46 lakh 90 thousand. The report also says that 60 percent of the world's millionaires live in the United States, Japan, Germany, and China!

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