The First Bangladeshi part-time Based Jobs Portal

The Bangladeshi economy is expanding rapidly and the number for working people demand is increasing. Many new startups and multinational companies are expanding here. In Bangladesh full-time jobs were a popular employment type. But nowadays this trend is changing. In this market, a lot of part-time employees are needed for the small startups to giant multinationals. 

For this rapid demand for part-time jobs in Bangladesh was launched on September 2, 2021. The main feature of is its centralized site based on part-time jobs. One can hire people depending on hour, day, week, month, and year. 

The fashion industry, food industry, IT, transport sector, Event, and mostly home delivery all continue to need people for a particular time to do the work. could play a vital role to solve the issue from both end employer and employee.

For any organization, finding people for part-time jobs in Bangladesh would be easier than before. Human resource managers will have to relax to find the exact people for the particular task and their employee finding will be easier.

Most of the part-time employees are young and this job portal will help them out so that they can easily find part-time jobs. Financially insatiable students will be benefited and will grow a confidence level that they can have part-time jobs any time.

As we talked with the founder of he mentioned: ” we would like to establish the part-time job trend in Bangladesh so that people can believe it works. is a portal where we want to create a strong part-time based job culture in Bangladesh”


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