Tax Holiday required documents in Bangladesh
So you should be very careful to avail the tax- holiday facility in time. The following documents will be required to apply for tax-holiday: One: Pre-production Balance Sheet. Two: To open a cashbook, labor book, journal book that is to be submitted with application. Three: Submission of application under section 45/46 of Income Tax Ordinance 1984 (XXXVI of 1984). Four: Attested copy of Certificate of Incorporation. Five: Attested copy of Certificate of Commencement of Business. (Applicable for 32 Nos. public limited companies). Six: Memorandum of Association and Articles of Associations). Seven: Project profile. Eight: A copy of the blue print of the building / floor. Nine: A list of the particulars of the directors of the company. Ten: A share registers to be shown to the appropriate authority. Eleven: Copies of export L/C, Entry bill of the imported goods, chalan to be attached with an Application. Twelve: The installation design of the factory. Thirteen: Certificate of installation of the machinery. Fourteen: Certificate of on test production. Fifteen: Certificate of commercial production. Sixteen: Copy of electricity bill for the previous month prior to submission of the application. Seventeen: If the factory is in a rented house, the copy of deed should be furnished. Eighteen: Approval letter of the Board of Investment. Nineteen: Copy of VAT registration Certificate. Twenty: TIN and the Income Tax Certificate. After submission of the above documents, you have to maintain close contact with the Income Tax Office. The officials of the Income Tax Department would inspect your factory; even you may have to request the concerned official to inspect your factory. NBR will issue the Tax Holiday Certificate. You have to request the NBR to issue another letter stating that as the factory avails the tax holiday facility, the advance should not be deducted from the export earning. The letter should be submitted to the LIC opening bank. You have to have the letter of this type every year from the NBR.In order to enjoy the tax holiday facility, interested industrial entrepreneur should have to apply to the National Board of Revenue within six months from the date of commencement of production process.If you fail to apply in time, your prayer would not be considered later.