Smartphone will last 50 years on a battery without charge!

Think about it, if several devices in addition to mobile phones run on a single battery for 50 years without charging, then how? Surprised! You may be thinking, is it possible again? Yes, a Chinese company is going to make the impossible possible.

The Chinese company has developed a new type of nuclear radioactive battery for smartphones. This battery will last 50 years without recharging. The online portal of UK Independent TV recently revealed this news.

Citing the Beijing-based company BetaVolt, the media said that the nuclear battery they produced contained 63 isotopes in a module smaller than a coin. Their first nuclear battery is capable of delivering 100 microwatts of power and 3 volts of power. The battery measures 15x15x5 cubic millimeters. Their battery is environmentally friendly. Besides, by 2025 there are plans to make 1 watt nuclear battery.

Apart from smartphones, BitVolt's nuclear energy batteries can be used in devices such as spacecraft, AI equipment, medical equipment, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots, the company said.

The company also said in a press release that its innovation will propel China to a new stage of the AI technological revolution. The next-generation battery is currently in experimental use. It will soon be commercialized.

In terms of safety, this battery is much ahead of conventional batteries. It will not catch fire. Normal batteries are a safety hazard at high temperatures. Although it uses nuclear energy, there is no risk of radioactivity. which can be used in medical devices such as pacemakers. They plan to market this battery by 2025.

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