Sir Fazle Hasan Abed Achived 32 Place Among The World's 50 Greatest Leaders


As a Bangladeshi, it is our pleasure that we have such an innovative and visionary person who is trying to do the best in Business and other activities for the welfare of Bangladesh. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG is a Bangladeshi social worker, the founder, and chairperson of BRAC, the world's largest NGO with over 100,000 employees serving millions in 10 Asian and African countries and he has much more praise-worthy activity. He was knighted in 2010.

Most of the time I used to think we need someone from Bangladesh who will be the world ranking people and in the world's richest list. Finally, my wish knocked me. According to CNN and Fortune media, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed Got 32 Place Among The World's 50 Greatest Leaders. 

As a Bangladeshi, it's really warm news for us and now we can think about more and hope others also have this kind of position. A flow of entrepreneurship and business revaluation is going on in Bangladesh and which will give us a beautiful and developed country.

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