Ship MV Tsonga Cheetah has left for Italy directly with garments products from Bangladesh

Today, for the first time, a ship named 'MV Tsonga Cheetah' has left for Italy directly with garments products from Bangladesh. The Chittagong Port Authority, BGMEA, and the European Ambassadors described the event as a new milestone in the field of garment exports.

A new history has been created in the port of Chittagong by direct container shipping from Chittagong port to Italy at 3:15 pm on Monday.

The container ship 'MV Tsonga Cheetah' came directly from Italy and landed at Chittagong port last Saturday. Within two days, the ship left for Italy with 983 TEUS containers loaded with garments.

Charles Whiteley, Ambassador of Europe, said that 27 EU countries are interested in developing relations with Bangladesh in many sectors. He said today's move would improve relations in the commercial sector.

Italian shipping company Kalypso Compagnia di Navigazione SPA has introduced this new direct waterborne service between Chattogram and Ravenna with two small-sized vessels Songa Cheetah and Cape Flores.

A ship named Cap Flores arrived in Chattogram port on December 23 last year on an experimental voyage from Italy with an empty container.

Earlier, export garments were sent from Chittagong port to Sri Lanka, Malaysia, or Singapore ports. From there the containers were re-shipped to Europe and America in large ships. It would have cost a lot more with time. The concerned people said that the time and fare will be reduced a lot as the direct shipping from Chittagong to Italy has started.

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