Sheikh Hasina Ranked 42nd on Forbes' List of World's Most Powerful Women

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been ranked 42nd on Forbes' 2021 list of the World's Most Powerful Women. This is an improvement on her previous ranking of 43rd, which she obtained on last year's list.

Hasina has served as the longest-serving prime minister in her country’s history and has recently been voted in for a fourth term. During this final term, she stated that her focus will be on food security, education, and healthcare access.

Atop the list of the world’s most powerful women is Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. She is followed by European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde and US Vice President Kamala Harris. Indian Financial Minister Nirmala Sitharaman appears towards the end of the list at 36th place, with six other Indians featuring on the list in total.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been named one of TIME Magazine's 2020 Persons of the Year. Hasina has led her country since 2009, and she has often faced challenges in pursuing her goals of establishing a firmer democracy. She has also championed women’s rights and improved economic stability for her citizens. TIME said that Hasina "has forged a nation out of many complex contradictions," noting her efforts to improve the quality of life for her people.

To achieve these goals, Sheikh Hasina has actively pursued measures such as food security, access to education and healthcare, and efforts to strengthen democracy. Despite facing criticism from those who oppose her policies and the political environment in Bangladesh, Hasina has continued to push forward her reforms.

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has recently been ranked 36th on Forbes' 'The World's 100 Most Powerful Women' list. She is one of six powerful Indians to make the cut and joins a list of prominent female leaders from around the globe. The annual list celebrates women who have made significant strides across the business, entertainment, politics, finance, philanthropy, and more. 

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