Newspapers will be able to share articles on Snapchat Story

Netizens have been using social media as a source of news for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Snapchat has brought the feature of automatic article sharing in the story for news outlets. News Engadget. 

Technology site Axios reports that Snapchat recently conducted a test of dynamic storage. News articles will be automatically shared in storage through this. Initially, some sites in the United States, United Kingdom, France and India will benefit. These include The Washington Post, The Independent, Lo Figaro and Vogue India.

Axios also said that this feature does not currently support video. However, those concerned are hoping that it may be done in the future.

Introducing the new feature may not be Snapchat's money-making machine, but it will help keep users engaged. For the latest news, users no longer have to leave Snapchat and go to any other social site or news site like Instagram or TikTok.

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