NASA is looking for volunteers for a paid, one-year-long Mars simulation project.

NASA is looking for citizen volunteers to assist in bringing the dream of Mars exploration to reality. This week, NASA said that it is seeking suitably qualified persons to take part in a year-long expedition on a simulated Red Planet.

The volunteers will reside and work at the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas, in the 1,700 square foot, three-dimensionally printed Mars Dune Alpha habitat.

According to Suzanne Bell, lead for NASA's Behavioural Health and Performance Laboratory at Johnson Space Centre, "For the explorers, the adventurers, the people who love science, this is a unique and incredible opportunity to be able to contribute to science," CNN said.

The mission, which is scheduled to start in the spring of 2025, is the second of three planned programmes from the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analogue (CHAPEA). It will last 378 days.

"We mimic what we expect for a Mars habitat surface mission," Bell stated. "We collect all sorts of data so we can learn how humans can survive and thrive in that circumstance."

Space mission difficulties will be replicated in the Mars home simulation. The mission will include, according to NASA, "resource limitations, equipment failures, communication delays, and other environmental stressors".

The organisation states that the four members of the team can anticipate "simulated spacewalks, robotic operations, habitat maintenance, exercise, and crop growth."

In a news release issued on Friday, NASA stated that applicants "should have a strong desire for unique, rewarding adventures and interest in contributing to NASA's work to prepare for the first human journey to Mars."

Bell reports that the CHAPEA mission is currently on its 242nd day out of 378. She says, "We are learning from this crew and collecting data every day."

The three missions, according to Bell, are intended to remove the "anomaly of a particular crew or individuals."

"We're looking at the best ways to assist people's human health given the conditions. "Trends are emerging that we can analyse to determine how best to assist the people of the future," Bell said.

You must be a fluent English speaker who is a healthy, nonsmoking U.S. citizen or permanent resident between the ages of 30 and 55 to be eligible for the mission.

According to the agency, candidates must possess a master's degree, be qualified in STEM fields, have at least 1,000 flight hours, or have served in the armed forces. According to NASA, a bachelor's degree in a STEM discipline may also be taken into consideration.

"What we are looking for in this call is everyday civilians who are very astronaut-like to be research participants for us," Bell stated.

NASA states that there is compensation for participating in the mission; however, a precise remuneration will be disclosed during the candidate screening process.

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