How To Write initials of your name ?


Most of the time for the application we need our initials name. So we should have clear knowledge about initials names. I have added an image example for your better understanding of how you will write the initials name.

I am explaining the image, here you can see the name has three-part

1. Kazi

2. Mustafa

3. Hasan

its a combination of a family name like "Kazi Mustafa Hasan"

So now if you want to choose an initials name from this name in that case you have to choose the first two words of the first two segmentation of the name, which is "Km" after that you can add the last portion of the name "Hasan".

All together the initials name will be "Kmhasam" This is the way you can set the initials name of any other name. Example- John petter Canady, initials- Jpcanady.

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