Elon Musk is Now the Richest Man in the World After Jeff Bezos

The world got a new top rich in the new year. Elon Musk, CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon, has been replaced by Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, and now Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and SpaceX. Mask's assets amount to 18 thousand 500 million dollars. This information has come up in a report of the media CNBC.

Tesla's share price rose in the capital market on Thursday, Mask topped the list. Bezos, who is the richest man in the world since 2017, is currently in second place with a net worth of about 18.4 billion dollars. 

The amount of Musk's wealth has swelled and the mountains have become equal in the farewell year. But at the beginning of that year, his wealth was 2.7 billion. He was on the list of the top 50 richest people. However, in just 12 months, the amount of those assets has increased by about 16 trillion dollars. Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. At the same time, the share price has risen sharply in the capital market.

More interesting is the fact that just a year and a half ago, Tesla's share price fell, causing huge losses. As a result, Mask's leadership was called into question by legal and regulatory authorities. But within a year, Pasha's donation turned around. Tesla's share price has increased 9 times.

In July last year, Musk became the seventh richest man in the world, removing investment guru Warren Buffett. He then overtook Bill Gates to become the second richest man in the world. The second richest person in the world. The fortune he acquired last year is more than the 13.2 trillion in assets owned by Microsoft.

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