Elon Musk has announced that a chip has been implanted in the human brain for the first time

photo: Reuters

This is the first time a chip has been implanted in the human brain. This tiny chip is made by Elon Musk's company Neuralink. Elon Musk said that the patient is now recovering well.

Neuralink is a brain-chip startup company founded by Tesla owner Elon Musk, Reuters reported. In a post given on social media last Monday, he said, preliminary results showed a promising response of brain neurons.

This response or spike is the activity of the neuron. The National Institutes of Health describes it as a cell that uses electrical and chemical signals to send information to the brain and body.

Last year, Neuralink was granted permission by the US Food and Drug Administration to conduct the first human chip implantation test. This company wants to work to help people who are suffering from paralysis or have various neurological or neurological problems. That approval by the Food and Drug Administration is therefore considered a milestone.

Last September, Neuralink announced that it had received approval to recruit people to conduct human trials.

In this experiment, a robot surgically places a brain-computer interface (BCI) in a specific area of the brain. Neuralink previously reported that this particular area of the brain controls the human will to move. The company wants people to be able to control a computer cursor or keyboard with just their thoughts.

Neuralink's brain implants must receive regulatory approval before they are made available to the general public. The FDA noted that the field of brain-computer interface devices is "progressing rapidly" in a document published in 2021 that outlined the agency's preliminary ideas in this area.

Several other businesses have also been working on brain-computer interfaces, including Synchron, which will be the first to acquire FDA approval to test a device on humans in 2021. Neuralink and Musk have garnered a lot of attention for their efforts. Since then, Synchon has started taking people for an implant trial.

According to Neuralink, the 'ultrafine' thread-like material inside the chip helps send signals to the brains of people taking part in the experiment. The first product that Neuralink developed was what they called 'Telepathy'. Elon Musk said this in another post on X.

The company's trial of a wireless brain-computer interface called the PRIME Study, aims to assess the safety of robots implanted in the brain and used in surgical procedures. Reuters contacted Neuralink for more details, but the company did not respond.

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