DSE's Name on Billboard in New York's Times Square

The SME board has been launched on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the country's main stock exchange. The SME board was officially inaugurated last Thursday. And that's why DSE took a momentary place in the famous Times Square in New York, USA. The matter was confirmed by the DSE on Saturday.

According to DSE sources, the launch of their own billboard DSE SME board in front of the Nasdaq office in Times Square last Friday was welcomed. When asked, DSE managing director Tariq Amin Bhuiyan told Prothom Alo that DSE has a long-standing relationship with Nasdaq. Nasdaq provides us with a variety of technical support. As part of this, they have raised the issue of launching SME board at DSE to the world at our request.

According to DSE sources, the software (matching engine) that is currently used as the main instrument of transactions in the major stock markets is supplied by Nasdaq. So DSE has regular contact with Nasdaq. Based on that communication, DSE's initiative was brought to the attention of visitors gathered in the heart of Times Square in New York.

It is learned that a message welcoming DSE was posted on a billboard in front of the Nasdaq office for some time on Friday. Earlier on Thursday, DSE launched a new SME board with six companies. Institutional and individual highly wealthy investors will have the opportunity to transact on this board.

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