Bangladeshi University Students to Get Loan for Smartphone From Government

All educational institutions in the country have been closed for a long time due to the ongoing pandemic Coronavirus. In this situation, educational activities are being carried out online. Online classes have also recently started in public universities. However, many students are not able to join the online class as they do not have the necessary devices including smartphones and laptops.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to give an education loan of Tk 10,000 to the students who are not solvent enough to buy their smartphones. It is learned that the payment of education loans may start in September. However, the student's certificate will be withheld if he does not repay the loan on easy terms.

In this regard, UGC Chairman Professor Kazi Shahidullah told the media that the initiative has been taken to involve all students in online classes. A proposal in this regard has also been sent to the Ministry of Education. With the consent, it will be possible to give an education loan of Tk 10,000 to the students to buy a smartphone by September. In this case, everything depends on the decision of the Ministry of Education. 

The UGC chairman further said that he had asked the universities to provide a list of indigent students. They sent the list. There are inconsistencies in the list sent by some universities. Letters will be sent to correct them. I am discussing with the Ministry of Education about the list which has no problem. 

It is learned that UGC has already sent the list of students of public universities who do not have money or ability to buy smartphones to the Ministry of Education. According to him, students will need at least 50 to 60 crore rupees to buy a smartphone. The matter is being discussed between UGC and the Ministry of Education. 

If all goes well, students will be given an education loan of Tk 10,000 to buy a smartphone this month. Students will have the opportunity to repay this loan before the end of their academic year. They will be given the opportunity to repay the loan 500 tk per month. 

The UGC chairman said the education loan must be repaid to the students. A student will have the opportunity to repay the loan during his / her academic year. If he does not repay this loan, he will not be given a certificate.

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