Bangladesh Sends an Air Force C-130 Hercules With Relief to Nepal


The death toll from the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday has risen to more than 2,500. More than 5,000 people have been injured. Powerful aftershocks today between Kathmandu and Everest unleashed more avalanches in the Himalayas and caused panic in the capital, where hospital workers stretched patients out into the street as it was too dangerous to treat them indoors.

Many countries send their Civil force and other organizational support with food, First aid treatment, and so on. The United States, German, and many countries raised their helping hand. Bangladesh sends an Air Force C-130 Hercules with relief to Nepal. On its way back, it brought (evacuated) 50 Bangladeshis back home safely. It's a praise-worthy initiative from Bangladesh Air force (BAF).

Bangladesh Biman without getting prior clearance sent a passenger plane to Kathmandu that had to come back without landing. They were not properly informed about the situation in Nepal. We all should stand by the people of Nepal whatever the resource we have. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh gets a thank in this regard.

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