Should Zunaid Ahmed Palak need to say sorry for a ride in a bike as a passenger without a helmet?

Photo: Sir Zunaid Ahmed Palak's Facebook 
First of all, I would like to give thanks to Mr.Zunaid Ahmed Palak the Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Division in Bangladesh, that he is thinking out of the box except the VIP rules in Bangladesh. His approach and way of thinking were really appreciatable as because he went to the office first day by bike without the VIP condition. A million dollar respect for him to save the people from a traffic jam in Bangladesh and respecting the people. 
Trust me everyone in the parliament should follow the same rules and receive the same road facilities without the VIP rules. Because whenever they will think about people’s problem that time mass people gonna make their love as double for sure. 
I am going to give an idea to our Prime Minister of Bangladesh, please make a rule and punishment system in the parliament who will ask for the facilities of VIP. Every People is important and this rules should be implemented in Bangladesh (equal opportunity). Our Prime Minister is so kind and I hope she will apply this rule someday :)

Photo: Sir Zunaid Ahmed Palak's Facebook
Now my question is whenever Mr.Zunaid Ahmed Palak was in the bike while going to the office unfortunately, he doesn't wear a helmet. So I was confused and a question arises if the low maker doesn't follow the rules then how come, mass people?
My curious mind wants to know, should he need to say sorry for a ride in a bike as a passenger without a helmet?
My opinion is that maybe he needs to say sorry and conscious the young generation, as because he is a public figure many people can follow him. He should give an awareness post that "I didn't wear the helmet but you people should wear" like this kind of. But the good news is from his facebook I found a picture in the 3rd he wears a helmet but I am confused why he didn't wear the helmet for the first two pics.

Photo: Sir Zunaid Ahmed Palak's Facebook
Hope Sir, Zunaid Ahmed Palak will consider the issue and I am becoming a fan of him to see how kind he is and how normal lifestyle he have.
Note: This article is just an opinion only please take it simple.

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