4,500 Chinese games dropped from the App Store

Under the pressure of China's new internet policy, the US technology company Apple has been forced to remove 4,500 games from the Apple Store in that country. As a result, the US technology company may face financial losses. There are about 60,000 games in the Apple Store in China.

Apple has been forced to remove about 4,500 games between July 1 and 3. China's new internet policy is responsible for this. Under the new Chinese policy, a game or its update must be approved by the country's administration before it can be uploaded to the Apple Store.

 It will take about 6 months to a year to get this approval after going through all the steps of the rules. As a result, game developers will have problems. Not only that, but Apple may also face financial losses. Because the Apple Store's annual revenue from the Chinese market is about USD 15.4 billion.

Apple has been forced to remove 1,571 games from the Apple Store on July 1, 1,805 games on July 2, and 1,276 games on July 3 under pressure from new Chinese rules. According to the rules, the Chinese administration will not approve the license of more than one and a half thousand games every year. 

As a result, game developers will have to wait a long time to return to the Apple Store. China's new internet policy could cause problems for 20,000 more games. As a result, the problem may increase the US technology company Apple.

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